tvrenamer package


tvrenamer.cli module

Command-line interface to the TvRenamer APIs

tvrenamer.cli.main(*args, **kwargs)

tvrenamer.constants module

Application constants.

tvrenamer.exceptions module

Exceptions used through-out tvrenamer.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.BaseTvRenamerException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base exception all tvrenamers exceptions inherit from.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.ConfigValueError

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.BaseTvRenamerException

Raised if the config file is malformed or unreadable.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.DataRetrievalError

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.BaseTvRenamerException

Raised when unable to retrieve data.

An error (such as a network problem) prevents tvrenamer from being able to retrieve data such as episode name

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.EpisodeNotFound

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.DataRetrievalError

Raised when episode cannot be found.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.InvalidFilename

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.BaseTvRenamerException

Raised when a file is parsed, but no episode info can be found.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.SeasonNotFound

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.DataRetrievalError

Raised when requested season cannot be found.

exception tvrenamer.exceptions.ShowNotFound

Bases: tvrenamer.exceptions.DataRetrievalError

Raised when a show cannot be found.

tvrenamer.manager module

Manages the processing of media files.

Entry point to start the processing.

tvrenamer.options module


Returns a list of oslo_config options available in the library.

The returned list includes all oslo_config options which may be registered at runtime by the library. Each element of the list is a tuple. The first element is the name of the group under which the list of elements in the second element will be registered. A group name of None corresponds to the [DEFAULT] group in config files. The purpose of this is to allow tools like the Oslo sample config file generator to discover the options exposed to users by this library.

Returns:a list of (group_name, opts) tuples

Configure options within configuration library.

tvrenamer.service module


Configures application and setups logging.

Module contents